Mal Kelly's Top 7 quick n dirty healthy eating tips

It can be difficult to establish good habits when it comes to eating wholesome food, especially in todays fast paced world, where many people feel they don't have the time to prepare healthy meals. Does this sound like you? If so, try some of these hints and let me know which ones work for you...

1. Read the packet

Recent research has revealed that people who read the nutritional info on the back of the packet are more successful at managing their weight, even if they don't really understand it!
I have 2 other rules when it comes to prepackaged food, and they both involve reading the ingredients list.
  • If I need a chemistry book to decode the ingredients list, that product is not going into my stomach.
  • If I can't list most of the ingredients in one breath, it's probably best left on the shelf.
I should point out that the only things worth reading on a packet are the ingredients list and the nutritional info. These are usually on the back or side panels of the box. Ignore everything else written on the pack as the rest is usually marketing half truths designed to separate you from your hard earned cash. Also, it will never, ever look as good when cooked as it did on the packaging.

For more nutrition info, and what the technical terms in the ingredients list mean in plain english check back soon for a post dedicated to this topic

2. Eat more protein and fiber

So now that you're building the habit of reading the info, always check the protein and fiber content of what you're about to eat. Foods with a lot of fiber or protein are a lot more filling than those loaded with sugar or fat. Plus they are much better for you. I call that a win-win!

3. Portion control

If you supersize your meal, you will supersize your waist, its that simple. In your main meal, avoid having more than a fist sized portion of 'bulk' foods. Bulk foods include potatoes, rice and pasta. If you find it's not filling enough, try substituting in whole grain rice or pasta instead of the regular versions. 

4. Taste the rainbow

Look at the wide variety of colour next time you're in the supermarket. Aim to eat a portion* of fresh unpackaged fruit or veg from each of the colour groups every day. Red, orange, yellow, green and blue. Just one of each and thats your five-a-day covered. Don't like fruit? Really? You've tried every kind? 

5. Variety is crucial.

If you eat the same thing everyday, it gets very boring, and you'll eventually grow so sick of that food you'll never want to see it again. The best way to make a 'boring' dish more exciting is to always have a variety of colours, shapes and textures on the plate. Experiment with new ingredients to keep things interesting. Herbs and seasonings are essential for adding favour and excitement. 

6. Slow down.

About 20 mins after eating begins, our brains get a signal from the stomach saying 'I'm full' . So enjoy your food. Chew your food well, and take a breath between mouthfuls. Getting air to the taste buds helps us to experience the full flavour of what we are eating. Never, ever eat in front of the T.V.

7. Drink more water

We're made up of about 80% water, and even 1% dehydration hinders both physical and mental performance. Fill a bottle every morning and keep it within arms reach. Take sips regularly throughout the day. More in this post.

* A portion of most fresh fruits is one small cup. For seeds & nuts it's a handful

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