Quit smoking: dealing with cravings

Here are some ideas to help you cope with cravings. Some of these have worked for me, some come from members in the gym I work in. 

But first try this exercise..

Take a deep breath. Relax your shoulders.
Disgusting full ashtray.
Now imagine the scene where you smoke most frequently. Imagine all the sights and sounds that are usually present when you are in the situation where you smoke. Are you sitting or standing in the scene? Feel the ground or chair beneath you. Make the scene as real as possible in your mind, with all the sights, feelings, sounds, smells and even tastes you associate with smoking. 
Next imagine an overflowing ashtray full of wet ash and fag butts. 
Remember the way it stinks... how horrible it smells. You can probably taste it… think of
how it makes you gag. Disgusting isn’t it? Cigarettes are disgusting.
Next, close your eyes and do this exercise again, this time creating the scene in even more detail.

Try doing this whenever you get a craving, or every morning and evening. It might not make the craving go away, but it certainly helped me strengthen my resolve, and made me more determined to stay off the little white death-sticks for 1 more day at least. 

Some quick fixes:

* chew some gum
* eat something eg carrot sticks or lollipops
* brush your teeth
* sip a non-alcoholic drink you don't link with smoking
* take a shower
* run up some stairs
* do a crossword
* call a friend
* occupy your hands, eg by doodling, doing sudoku, juggling, knitting or completing a pocket puzzle.

Did you find my exercise effectiveHave you got a tip that's worked for you?  Share it in the comments.

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