So how much real blueberry or pomegranate was in the box?
30%? Nope.
20%? Getting warmer.
10%? That's still being optimistic.
0%?? Correct!
Total Blueberry Pomegranate cereal contains absolutely none of the ingredients you would expect from reading the front of the box. In fact, its totally misleading. This is not an accident. This is a marketing ploy, designed to cash in on the growing awareness of the many health benefits of these foods.
What's the moral of the story? Buyer Beware! The only bits on food packaging that are worth reading are the ingredients list and the nutritional info. The rest is bullsh*t thats about as truthful as an Irish politician discussing a bank bailout!
While you're here, why not have a look at the ingredients list and count how many different kinds of sugar are in it. Post your answers & thoughts in the comments below..
If the image is too small to read, view the full size version here.
Hey Mal. Nice site. Totally agree on the false benefits claimed by the vast majority of cereal companies. In fact, the evils run very deep indeed. For a brilliant account of cereals, and the entire food industry in general, check out Felicity Lawrence's "Eat Your Heart Out: Why the Food Industry is Bad for You and the Planet"
Hi Gavin, glad you like it. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll be sure to check it out. It might be worth your while checking out the movies, "food inc." and "king corn".