Someone trying to lose weight does so for lots of reasons.
- The doctor said i need to lose weight
- I saw a photo of myself :(
- I'm too out of breath to play with the kids
- My favourite clothes don't fit anymore
There are many more but one thing remains pretty constant. The need to lose weight. It's not something we ever want to do, it's something we need. An obligation, not a desire. What we desire is the end result. And there are going to be setbacks, because losing weight is not an event. It is a process, with distinct stages, and it takes time, if you're serious about keeping excess weight off long term.
I'll go into more detail about those stages another time. Back to the BFG..

- Is is being healthier, and seeing less of your doctor?
- Is it seeing yourself in photos and thinking "Damn, I look good!"
- Is it being able to play with your kids till they're out of breath too
- Is it getting into that little black dress for the staff 'do' and seeing that bitch from work turn green?
Whatever it is that gives you a BFG, find it and hold onto it. That's your BFG factor. That's what'll get you through the hard times. It's what gets you back on track after a setback. Now, whats Your BFG factor?
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