Challenge Yourself

"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you"
- Mal Kelly

I'm sure some of my clients think I'm like a broken record with this saying, but I only repeat it until it sinks in, and they challenge themselves. The funny thing is, once they begin to routinely challenge themselves, they see real results! You can't make progress without getting out of your comfort zone, and once you get your head around that fact, THEN you can knuckle down and work on getting the results you're looking for.

Uh oh, I used that awful 4-letter word "work". Guess what? You want results you'll have to work for them; if there's no challenge, there's no change. And despite your efforts and intentions, there will be setbacks. Big deal, that's part of life!

A setback can be a setup for a comeback,.. so learn from each setback, learn from each failure, learn from each obstacle, and become stronger and better prepared for the future as a result.

You have to LEARN what will work for YOU if you want to achieve your goals, so here's something to think about:
"If you are unwilling to learn, no one can help you.
If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you."

YOU are the only one holding you back, the same as YOU are the only one who can drive you forward. Isn't it time you made yourself unstoppable?

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