Mal Kelly's 3 T's for weight management

This may well be my most unpopular post ever. Because the modern lifestyle is full of distraction, instant fixes and excess, the 3 T's are things that many won't want to hear.

If you want to get results, you have to think about it. You have to decide exactly what results you are looking for. You have to Think about what those results will mean to you. Picture it. How much happier & healthier you will be. Think about what it will take to get there. Think about changes that will have to be made. Think about your energy balance; calories in must be less than calories burned. I suggest making many little changes, rather than making a single huge change. Little goals are easier to stick to, and achieve. Think about things that have gotten in the way before. Are those same things still likely to be an issue? If so, Think about ways to overcome them. If you can't see a solution, ask someone who has faced similar challenges, and succeeded. 

Don't expect miracles overnight. It will take time. We have to put in the time to get lasting results. Too busy? Don't have the time? Sorry, but that's bullsh*t, and this is a bullsh*t free zone. Everyone can find 3 slots of 10 minutes each and every day to be active. No if's. No but's. No might's. No maybe's. We should be asleep for 8 hours a day. That leaves us with 960 minutes. We can all find 3x10. 

Probably the biggest challenge for most of us, is knowing when we've had enough. Learn to say no. Have a look at my healthy eating tips. Learn to cook a little less food, but fill it with flavour. Indulge a little less. But enjoy it more. Because it's guilt free when it's a rare indulgence, it tastes so much better.

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