How to Lose weight by Running

How to Lose weight by Running...
Just to clarify: When you say 'Lose Weight' what you really mean is "get rid of excess fat", and your clothes are a better way of measuring this than a weighing scale. To help you get your head around the difference between "losing weight" and "getting rid of excess fat" I can link to a quick video explaining it. Just ask in the comments.
There are loads of different kinds of running, and there's a lot of conflicting advice about which is best for "weight loss". And like most things in the fitness world, the correct answer
Something that has been gradually changing over the years, is the way I’ve been working with clients. I’m proud to say I’m a bit embarrassed by the approach I had 15 years ago.

Back then I was all about the exercises, with a side of nutrition.

As I learned more, I realised the importance of nutrition and became more balanced in my approach to personal training.

That’s where “Rebalance Your Life” came from.

Add another decade of experience (and perpetual curiosity), and it has finally dawned on me that it’s time to shift over to a coaching-based approach to health and fitness.

As I prepare to launch my coaching program, I’m offering a 12-week test run program to 6 to 3 more people who will save up to 50% off the regular price.

This is not for you if:
You want to look like a bodybuilder in the next 3 months
You want to exercise for hours every day
You don’t want to make any changes at all

This could be for you if:
You want to lose 12-20lbs over the next 12 weeks
You want to have more energy
You want to get better sleep
You want to look & feel great.

As you think about these things, how will they change your life?
What will you do with the extra energy & zest for life?
give you a brighter future?
How much happier will you be?

By now you’re wondering if there’s a catch. There’s no catch; it costs less than 12 hours of personal training with me.

By now, it may be that you want to sign up, after all, if you were going to succeed on your own, wouldn't you have done it by now?

You could continue to spend years following fads and diets and still be no better off than you are now...

Isn't it a better idea to work with someone who has been helping people like you get results for over a decade and a half?

If you're interested, click here to book a quick call (15 mins or less) and we'll have a chat and see if you're a good fit for the coaching program.

Worst case scenario, we decide it's not the right fit for you right now, and you leave the conversation with some concrete steps to take to improve your health and fitness.

Best case scenario, the program is perfect for you, and by the time we finish the conversation you're feeling excited and motivated, and have simple next steps to follow before our first coaching session.

New Year's Eve, on what has been the strangest year most of us have ever seen, and I'm pretty sure NONE of us predicted anything close to what this year brought us. I hope you're doing ok.

For me, this year has been a struggle. As you may know, I'm a performer as well as a fitness professional,  and most of my income comes from entertaining people. In March, I could see about 80% of my forecasted income for the year just evaporate. Also, I opened a studio in Tralee last year, and I haven't opened my doors for clients since mid-March.  Thankfully, most of my personal training clients have been happy enough to transfer to online coaching, and in some cases even prefer it. That said, I miss the face to face aspect of PT and fitness classes, as well as being beneficial, it's more fun for all involved. 

In the autumn I returned to full-time education, and I have to be honest, I am not enjoying the online college experience. At times it feels like most of my life is in front of a screen now, and that's just not my cup of tea. 

A combination of all these stresses caused me to start suffering from anxiety; it took a while for me to realise what was going on, but in a nutshell, I was having huge problems concentrating, and my heart rate was all over the place, literally going from 50-100bpm while I was just sitting down, and averaging 173 on easy runs that are normally at 133. This was the wake-up call I needed to reach out for help, so I'm seeing a counselor to help with that. I could try to sort it out on my own, but wouldn't that just be adding more stress when I'm already struggling? I probably could do it, but that would be making life harder than it needs to be, and it's not going to be an efficient way for me to get the result I'm looking for. 

To put it another way, I followed my own recommendation:

"If you're serious about getting a result, get the help of a professional; A professional will know the questions to ask to help you make progress quickly."

This year has been one where we've all had to adapt to new ways of doing things, and personal training and coaching is no exception. Doing fitness classes online has been an interesting experience: who would have thought we'd all become experts in zoom this year?  

From talking to clients, I've changed the type of classes I'm offering online to meet their needs more effectively. High Intensity Interval Training is proving popular, and so I have  25-30 minute HIIT classes aimed at the core and a HIIT class for runners (or people who want to start running). The latest addition is a mix of Pilates and Yoga, to mobilise the neck, shoulders, back, and hips & generally undo some of the harm that 2020 is doing to us all. Another way I've adapted is by creating a library of workouts on-demand, so even if a class time doesn't suit you, you can access it at a time that suits you. 

All of these fitness classes are on Strydal, which is where I host my membership. It's easier than zoom, has much better privacy, and allows me to address people privately during the class if needs be.

Click the link above to come and join us, and take action on your fitness as we leave 2020.


Lockdown weight gain?

You might have heard the term “freshman 15” which refers to the  15 pounds most college students gain in there first year because of the dramatic change of lifestyle..

Well, there’s a new one...

So many people gained weight during the lockdown, it’s becoming known as the covid 20. Its about a stone and a half, or roughly 9kg. 

And as much as I hate the phrase ‘the new normal’
that 20lb gain is fairly normal this year, so if you’ve gained weight during lockdown know that you’re not alone; it even happens to health & fitness professionals. The question is, what will you do about it? 

If you’d like some help or guidance, drop me a line.


How to stay sane during covid19 coronavirus pandemic

As covid-19 spreads around the globe we see so much grim news in the media. Many of us have lost jobs and are isolated from family and friends. The uncertainty can be crippling..
What do I do now? When will this be over? What happens then? What if we go into a full lockdown? What does that even mean, exactly?

Lots of things we don't have any control over.

Our old routines have been thoroughly shaken up,  so this is a chance to take ownership of those things we can control... What we eat, how much exercise we get, whether we learn a new language or skill... You know, all those things we 'didn't have time' to do before.. Well now you've got time.

Step 1. Calm your mind from 'fight or flight' 

with a simple breathing based meditation such as this one... (5-8 minutes)

Step 2. Decide WHAT you want to achieve and WHY...

I previously talked about setting meaningful goals and finding your 'why'.
Pay particular attention to the ideas of finding a powerful 'why' and setting process goals (as these are easier to stay on track with). 

Step 3. Make the process goals part of your routine.

This means part of your daily and weekly routines. Here's a tip, now could be a perfect time to create a new routine, just make sure it is realistic, and you'll be able to fit everything in. For most fitness goals that are health related, doing a little every day is likely to yield better results than trying to fit a weeks worth of training in 1 day.  Even 5 minutes every day will be be better than one 35 minute session per week. 

Step 4. Keep it simple

Simple gets done, complicated gets thought about.  Read that again. 
By now you should have a kind of an idea of an outline of a plan in your head, if not down on paper. Put that plan through the filter of 'keep it simple' and remove any unnecessary complications. Each day, you should be able to tell in seconds exactly what's on the plan for any given day. This process of refining your action steps into definite tasks can be both the simplest and the trickiest, so if you need help, reach out and lets get you unstuck.