Healthy eating from the ground up

 "You are what you eat"
We've all heard the expression a million times, but how often do you ever stop for a moment and think about it? 
Your body is constantly breaking down ok cells and replacing them with new ones. Neurotransmitters in your brain and nervous system are being broken down and replaced even as you read this. 

All of the cells, fibres, tissues, and fluids that you are made up of are being broken down and recreated every single day. Are you giving your body the essential building blocks it needs to create healthy cells? 
Did you know that most of the plants we eat require at least 12 different minerals to produce healthy food? Did you know that most commercial fertilisers only contain 3 minerals (hence they are often referred to as N/P/K fertilisers). 
Did you know that the most commonly used agriculture all pesticides are highly toxic to humans, animals and fish? (Biocide means kills all life).
Did you know that high levels of pesticide residue can be found on all conventionally produced fruit & veg, and the higher the water content, the more harmful chemicals it contains?
Did you know the most widely used chemicals in commercial food production are endocrine (your hormonal systems) disrupters? This causes problems for our health in a wide range of areas, from blood sugar management issues leading to diabetes, all the way to problems for childhood and even foetal development. 

The best way to minimise exposure to harmful chemical residues is to choose organic as much as possible, or even better, grow your own organic veg. Even growing herbs on your windowsill is a good start. It's amazing how much you can do, even with very little space, when you start looking for ways to grow your own.
Here I've got lettuce, French beans and spinach that was planted 2 weeks ago, making use of some old yogurt pots. It's a small start, but it's a start. If you've got limited space, it's important to choose easy to grow plants that you actually use!

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